Philosophy & Mission

I believe that every child and adult should have an optimized brain to allowing them to be happy, healthy, and full of life.

Our philosophy is that three things need to happen in order to have ideal brain and body health. Our Mission is to help our clients restore balance and optimize performance in all three areas.

  1. Communication within the brain must function at the highest level.

    A functional disconnection disorder disrupts the right and left brain communication and timing, which is often found a variety of conditions including ADHD, autism, anxiety, and other behavior disorders.

    Signs that the brain is not working properly include lack of concentration, poor coordination, balance issues, imbalanced muscle tone, and abnormal reflexes.

    Chronic stress can magnify the imbalance.

  2. Messages between the brain and the body must not be inhibited.

    The brain needs three things to survive: oxygen, glucose for fuel, and stimulation. Chronic degraded stimulation is a major cause of brain dysfunction.

    Missed developmental milestones, such as skipping crawling, disrupt the sequence of stimulation to the brain and impairs its maturation process.

    The body constantly sends signals to the brain to let it know where it is in space, how it is moving, and how organs are functioning. Disruption of these messages through mechanical, chemical, or other means causes an imbalance in the brain and the body.

  3. Target tissues must be healthy enough to receive and execute the brain’s commands as well as generate the appropriate response back to the brain.

    Organs, joints, muscles, peripheral nerves, and support structures must be healthy enough to perform their designed function and report signals back to the brain.

    Restoring the tissues to a healthy state is necessary for brain-body health.

Our programs are open to children, teenagers, and adults.