Brain Flourishing for Adults

Are you struggling with a challenge?  Is it a recent challenge or a lifelong challenge? Could your brain be burnt out? Are you finding yourself stressed, experiencing high levels of anxiety, constantly worried or just pure exhaustion of working hard and losing your skills?  As we age, we begin to notice a decline in mental clarity, focus, memory or even executive function.

Imagine if only you could:

  • Be focused.

  • Clear your brain fog and concentrate.

  • End overthinking.

  • Get in the zone and flow freely.

  • Quit procrastinating.

  • Reduce that overwhelmed feeling.

  • Get rid of being so fatigued.

You’ve done all the “right” things.  You may have tried other solutions, psychotherapy, medication, avoidance, meditation, and a plenty of other strategies and have not gotten relief. Possibly, your PERSONAL life is suffering.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

You need to go directly to the source and train your brain.  The good news is that the brain is plastic, and it can change at any age. Neuroplasticity is REAL.  We are here to use it and build new pathways following nature’s blueprint at Enbrain. 

Adults who willingly change their lives to enroll in our three day intensive program get exactly what they are looking for a life change.

We offer interventions that rewire the brain of adults for increased focus, memory, organization, multi-tasking, ease, and efficiency in your life.


Conditions We Work With:

  • Brain Optimization Client

  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders

  • Neurodegenerative Disorders

  • Corporate Cognitive Optimization

  • Mood Disorders

  • Chronic Conditions Caused by Brain Injury


Are you ready for success that lasts? Our three day Intensive Program is designed for adults who want results with neurological processing abilities and improved brain to body communication.

The program is designed for busy professionals to achieve the highest level of change in the shortest period of time. The schedule is designed to test, stress, and rest in a specific sequence to maximize your time. Virtual follow up appointments are critical to ensure integration of system into your daily lift.

After going through our intensive program, our patients are grateful to learn that it’s NOT just in their head, it’s in the BRAIN!

Who would benefit?

  • Individuals who want results with brain performance and improved embodiment.

  • People who live far away. Many clients plan a little vacation and experience the beauty of our area.

  • Families where the “parent” member with neurological, fatigue, burn-out issues are affecting the family dynamics in a downward spiraling way.


Are you ready to supercharge your own performance at work or play by clearing away mental, physical, and emotional blockages?  Scheduling is done a minimum of 4 weeks ahead of actual treatment dates. Because we know your health cannot be rushed, if after reviewing the initial paperwork, urine or saliva testing is needed, the results will be back before the start of your three day intensive program.  Dr. Leonette will create a unique treatment program specific to your needs.

Call NOW to reserve your space! 304-808-1405.

If this feels like a dream come true, you’re invited to get started.

If you’re ready to start, or have questions, please call Tina at 304-808-1405.

What happens During the Intensive Program?

Think of this as your brain’s regular workout routine! We have created a highly specialized, drug-free program, based on nature’s neurological blueprint, that focuses on:

  • Extensive home and in-office assessments.

  • Determining the specific interventions and protocols needed for that areas of the brain and body.

  • Providing those interventions in the correct order/sequence.

  • Identifying appropriate outcomes of the intervention based on the area of brain activated.

  • Measuring of the outcomes to identify increased function.

Neuro-plasticity is available throughout your lifespan.  Train your brain and mind for optimal performance and to live life beyond limitations.

How can I enroll for the Intensive Program?

It all begins with an evaluation. We first must evaluate to determine if you are a candidate for our program and how we could help. To be effective, we must identify where in the brain the breakdown is occurring therefore an evaluation is imperative.

Can I start with my intensive at any time?

Scheduling is done a minimum of 2 weeks ahead of actual treatment date. We will work our hardest to accommodate your request for dates and times of intensives. Your clinical needs are our primary focus.  Dr. Leonette will create a unique treatment program specific to your needs.