The brain needs three components to properly develop. A breakdown in any of these three factors will affect brain maturity.
Fuel, primarily in the form of glucose sugar
Correct stimulation
Lack of oxygen and glucose for an extended time often results in significant brain injury that benefits primarily from medical intervention or from seeing a specialist. Our program focuses on the more common issue that develop due to developmental stimulation
Our brain system looks at function from a hemispheric model, meaning that the right and left brain needs to communicate with ease. Inhibited communication occurs for several reason, but usually it is due to incomplete stimulation.
The easiest way to describe this is to think of you like a computer.
You are born with a default programming that is primitive and essential of the very basic functions of life, such as responding to touch, rooting for food, and movement patterns to leave the birth canal.
This programming should integrate and be written over for higher level coordinated movements to occur. Retained primitive reflexes (programming) inhibits brain development.
A specific sequence of movement and pressure stimulus is needed to activate the brain and write new software. If these sequences are not followed such as skipping crawling, an imbalance between the right and left hemispheres develop.
The brain develops from the bottom up, so higher thought functions and emotional maturity are dependent on going through the normal development process. If not, the stronger lobe will often take on more duties, some that it was not designed for.
The right and left hemispheres have their own strengths and weakness. An abnormally strong hemisphere has difficulty timing messages with the other lobe.
This is called a functional disconnection that is often found in a variety of neurological, emotional, and coordination conditions.